Ideas for Meetings
We are looking for some ideas to do at our next meeting on 1st November, and for the rest of the year. Below are some suggestions, this is by no means a limited list. If there is something not on the list, but you would like to do, just let us know!
At the October meeting, a couple of ideas were discussed, these are listed below, but if you have any other ideas, please let us know!
Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club (MUARC) have conducted numerous meetings during the pandemic, and they were kind enough to record them for later viewing. A range of topics are discussed over the various meetings. If any are of interest, we can play them at the next meeting, with a discussion afterwards. MUARC’s videos can be found here.
Another very informative webinar series was one run by the RSGB during the pandemic was the ‘Tonight at 8’ series, again these have been kindly recorded for later viewing. A full list of webinars can be found here.
A further suggestion would be to take part in the new RSGB’s ‘Beyond Exams‘ award scheme, where the club participates in one of many exercises, to encourage participation and experimentation in the hobby. There are many many different activities which can be completed. There is both a club version, and an individual version. But there is no reason why the individual projects cannot be completed in a club environment.
More information can be found by clicking the links for the Club Version, Individual Version.
A full list of individual activities can be found here
If you are selecting a video, please let us know which one you would like to watch!
Be sure to cast your vote and let us know what would interest you best.
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